Make Your Own Shampoo and Conditioner To Save $$

Not only can shampoo and conditioner be expensive, it can also be cancerous! That’s right, studies show that shampoo has cancerous chemicals in it that are bad for your body. If you want to talk about budgeting, the best thing you can do is not get cancer, which has wiped many out financially despite health insurance…but that’s a whole ‘nother subject.

The point is, something that is cheaper, healthier, and heck, even fun to do is make your own shampoo and conditioner. It will save you money and leave you so fresh and so clean.

To make what this budgetologist likes to call “po man’s shampoo and conditioner” you will need two ingredients:

  1. Baking soda
  2. Apple cider vinegar

So how does it work? First, you’re going to need old shampoo and conditioner bottles with nothing left in them. Take the shampoo bottle, fill it with two parts baking soda one part water. Then shake-a shake-a shake that. That’s your shampoo. Baking soda cleans the hair and leaves it refreshed. Scrub the mixture into your scalp like normal shampoo then rinse.

Next, it’s time to make the conditioner. In your empty conditioner bottle mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water. dump that on your scalp and hair after the baking soda to leave it shiny and soft. And that’s it! Not only have you created way cheaper conditioner and shampoo, you’ve gone all natural. Rock on with your bad self.

Here’s another fun thing you can do with apple cider vinegar: use it as a natural appetite suppressant so that you don’t spend as much money on food. Just one table spoon accomplishes this. Then you can do the costly craving avoidance method and there you have it! Multiple uses for cheap-ass products.

♥ The Budgetologist

4 thoughts on “Make Your Own Shampoo and Conditioner To Save $$

  1. I will be adding a link to your blog in my next post, which will be tomorrow. The title is “Debt 1.0.” You do an awesome job at providing creating ways of cutting costs. Hope you don’t mind. Give a shout if so.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m going to give the homemade shampoo and conditioner a whirl, I’ll let you know how it turns out. My. MyCountDown’s grandmother drank a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every morning. She said it was an old wives remedy to help with digestion. Interesting post.

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